Monday, August 2, 2010

The Crayon Box

I don't know about you, but I love colorful things. Especially rainbows. So I was thinking it would be fun to do a (weekly?) post focusing on one color in particular. 

So in all good research related moments (while I'm procrastinating on doing something else) I went to go look for a list of Crayola Crayon colors.
Oh man... this was a crazy rabbit hole.

Here is the wiki page with past/present Crayola colors in all of their glory.
And then here is the insane wiki page with All Colors Ever... Whoah. So intense.

And then there was this fun infographic by

This shows how the number of crayon colors doubles every 28 years.
Also, it's pretty.
And it kind of looks like a 70's greeting card.

So before I dive in and start picking colors... which I don't even know how I'm going to do because they're all just so pretty and shiny and... and... umm, colorful...
I think I'll start with a collage of rainbow/crayon box inspirations. Remember how awesome getting a new box of crayons was? Especially the 64 box! I have to admit though, I was one of those strict/annoying kids... the crayons needed to stay in the color order I arranged them (ROYGBIV baby!) and they needed to stay sharpened at all times. Nothing sent me into a blind rage quite like discovering a blunt, rounded top crayon.

I don't know if you can tell, but I'm an only child. =)

Rainbow Brite eyes, Lady Pandacat von Nopants
Chuck Taylor 2008, Converse
Happy Crayons Card, Happyday Studio 
Rainbow Cupcakes, Our Best Bites
Crayon Rings, Timothy Liles 
Tie-Dye Shirt, Nicoretro
Crayon Button, Sticker Giant
Crayon Box Quilt, Elsie's Girl

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